same response
Hi a-rest,
First of all, since you seem to dominate the pop-genre on this website, I decided to check all your tracks! Your songs definately have 'something', they feel like the records I grew up with, such as simon and garfunkel, jethro tull, etc etc. In short, they take me back. However, I have two major arguments for awarding you this relatively low score:
1. I feel like, the pop genre should be for modern music. There probably is no indie rock genre, but maybe one should be created. This really isn't pop music and to be honest, I don't understand why no-one else seems to have a problem with that...
2. The quality of your recordings is pretty bad in most of your songs. I mean, the instruments sound good, warm and intimate, but there is a huge amount of hiss and crackle in them. Have you considered building a studio of some sort to get better sound quality?
Lastly, I don't know how you get so many votes? Do you have any suggestions? Everytime I upload a track I get like 20 votes if I'm lucky...
You didn't respond to my review, but my track got downvoted (with exactly one vote) from 4.2 to 3.6 or something. Must have been someone with a voting power of around, oh I don't know, SEVEN!? Voting a ZERO! Im sorry, but I don't think my track was THAT bad. Feels more like you are systematically blocking other artists from getting in the top 10.
Don't you know that when you do that, your top10 position doesn't mean anything anymore? Don't you realize that you are basically admitting that your songs are crap? (actually I don't think they're crap, but they're certainly not top10 pop material)
2nd Addendum:
seriously dude... this track? there's a 1000 uploaded tracks in this genre that are better than this one